Some characters already had quests in their logs and others were picking up new ones, and I tested how the mod worked under both conditions. I tested these mods on characters of varying levels and factions when this seemed necessary. If you have any suggestions of ones I should test or possibly re-test, please leave a comment with the name and link to the mod in question.

*I tried to test them all but I am sure I missed a few. Sometimes the synergy between two mods can make a mod more powerful, but often it threw unnecessary levels of complication or more errors.

Luckily, RepByZone automatically changes the reputation bar at the bottom of your screen to the most relevant faction depending on where you’re located. Once you reach max level, the race to unlock as many rewards and items needed for progression begins and each zone in the game has several reputations to keep track of. Reputation grinding is going to be an integral part of the Burning Crusade Classic experience. RepByZone Screengrab via Blizzard Entertainment Since stats like damage throughput aren’t included in the game normally, Recount is a must-have addon for many players that gives a brief overview of how players are performing in comparison to their group-mates. Recount is a concise addon that showcases DPS numbers ranked by player in a designated panel. The ideal DPS meter in WoW: Classic isn’t going anywhere in The Burning Crusade.